The Smart Chef

Ender Dragon Punch

The Battle Against the Ender Dragon

It was a dark and eerie night in Minecraft, and Steve and his friends were on a mission to defeat the Ender Dragon once and for all. They had spent days preparing for this epic battle, gathering resources and sharpening their swords.

As the battle raged on, the group grew tired and thirsty. Suddenly, Steve had an idea - why not whip up a special punch to keep them energized and hydrated?

He quickly gathered the ingredients - grape juice for strength, lemon-lime soda for a burst of energy, and lime sherbet for a cool, refreshing taste. He added blue food coloring to give it a mystical, otherworldly look, and added gummy worms for a creepy touch.

With renewed energy and a delicious drink in hand, Steve and his friends charged towards the Ender Dragon, ready to take it down once and for all. And with the power of Ender Dragon Punch on their side, they emerged victorious!

Ender Dragon Punch



  1. In a large punch bowl, mix together the grape juice and lemon-lime soda.
  2. Add a few drops of blue food coloring to create a purple hue, if desired.
  3. Scoop in the lime sherbet and stir until mostly melted.
  4. Add gummy worms to the punch for a creepy, crawly effect.
  5. Stir and serve in cups with more gummy worms for garnish!