Once upon a time, there was a group of Peeps marshmallow chicks who were feeling bored and unappreciated. They were tired of being eaten straight out of the package and wanted to do something more exciting with their lives.
One day, they stumbled upon a recipe for s'mores and were intrigued by the idea of being roasted over an open flame. However, they knew that not everyone had access to a campfire.
So, they decided to come up with a twist on the classic s'mores recipe that could be made in an oven. They gathered together some graham crackers, chocolate, and of course, themselves, and got to work.
As they baked in the oven, the Peeps chicks puffed up and turned a beautiful golden brown color. They were so excited to be a part of something new and delicious.
When they were finally finished, the Peeps S'mores were a hit with everyone who tried them. The Peeps chicks were thrilled to have found a new way to be appreciated, and their adventure had just begun.