The Smart Chef

Bob and his update

Once upon a time, there was a data scientist named Bob who was given a task to update a subset of data in a data.table in R. He was feeling good about himself because he had heard about the powerful data.table package and was eager to give it a try.

Bob loaded the data.table package and created a sample data.table with a few rows of data. He then tried to update the data using the [i, j, by] syntax, but something went wrong. The updated values were not what he expected, and he was completely puzzled.

Bob then realized that he had made a silly mistake - he had updated the data in the wrong data.table. He was so focused on updating his subset of data that he forgot to specify the correct data.table name in his code.

Bob chuckled at himself and corrected his mistake. He then updated the correct data.table and was able to complete his task successfully. He learned an important lesson that day: always double-check the data.table you are updating, or you might end up with some funny results!

data.table Update subset of data

Here's an example of updating a subset of data in R utilizing the data.table package

In this example, we'll create a sample 'data.table' called 'dt' with columns 'id', 'name', and 'score'. We will then update the 'score' when 'id' is equal to 2 or 3.

We will add 10 to the current value of 'score' using the ':=' operator.

data.table Update Subset



# Create a sample data.table
dt <- data.table(id = c(1,2,3,4,5),
                 name = c("John", "Jane", "Jim", "Joan", "Jack"),
                 score = c(90,80,70,60,50))

# Update the score of rows where id is equal to 2 or 3
dt[id %in% c(2,3), score := score + 10]

# Result
   id name score
1:  1 John   90
2:  2 Jane   90
3:  3  Jim   80
4:  4 Joan   60
5:  5 Jack   50